[Image]  April 15, 2001


What the Resurrection of Jesus Means to Us

The greatest event in the history of mankind was the glorious resurrection of our Lord and Savior. There are five things I think  that the resurrection means to us.

#1. The resurrection teaches that Jesus truly was God. He is the Word that exists with God and He IS GOD!!! (John 1).

#2. The resurrection teaches us that we have a living Savior. There are many famous tombs in our world. Every world religion has one or more graves that mean a lot to that group's followers. But go to one of those graves, and a follower of that faith will have to say, "Here lies the founder of our religion." But go to the grave of Jesus Christ ... and you can still hear the voice of the angel ringing in your ears: "He is not here. He is risen!"

#3 The resurrection is proof that death is not the end of life ... But the beginning.

#4 The resurrection is proof that we can become like Christ - right now on this earth. In fact Romans 6:1-5 has Paul telling us that if we are united in spiritual death like Jesus, we shall be resurrected to a new life here on earth.

#5 The resurrection calls us into a life of service. When Jesus rose from the grave, He gave us the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20).

Bulletin Digest                     Larry Fitzgerald