October 08,2000


Heads Bowed the Lowest

A farmer and his son went into the field to check the progress of the wheat crop. The boy looked across the waving grain stalks. He noticed that many stalks were bending over while some were standing tall.

"Dad," he said, "Those stalks that are standing up must be the best of the bunch. They are holding their heads up proudly. They must be the best and are showing how proud they are by their upright position."

The father took the boy out into the field to teach him a lesson. In the field he reached out and took hold of one of the heads of wheat that was standing up straight.

As his son inspected the head, he saw that it had only a few small, insignificant, shriveled grains. Others of those heads had nothing at all. Those stalks that were bowed low had full, fine heads. Those with the fullest heads were bowed lowest.

Life is the same way. Those who are the most humble are most of the time the ones with the most to give. It is humility that makes great people really great. The fullest heads will be bowed the lowest.

The Bible says that Jesus humbled himself and became obedient to the death on the cross. That was the supreme example of humility at work.

Mke Johnson -Richmond, KY

Strangers are Friends We Haven't Met

God knows no strangers. He loves us all
the poor, the rich, the great, the small.

He is a friend who is always there
to share our troubles and lessen our cares.

No one is a stranger in God's sight,
for God is love and He is light.

May we, too, try in our own small way
To make new friends from day to day.

So pass no stranger with an unseeing eye,
For God may be sending a new friend by .

Bulletin Digest

A Kinder, Gentler, Nation, World, and Church

Some twelve years ago, George Bush in his bid for the presidency, coined the phrase and appealed to all of us to be "a kinder, gentler America". These are still pressing needs---not only for our nation, but also for our homes and the church. How do we begin?

BE A BONUS. We need to be assets rather than liabilities. We need to be people who can be counted on to work together for good. "Only conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ ... striving together for the faith of the gospel' (Phil. 1:27)

BE A BLESSING. We, who have been so richly blessed by God, must in turn be a blessing to others. Jesus asked, "Should you not also have mercy ... even as I had mercy on you?" (Matt. 18:33).

BE A BOSTER. We need to build up one another instead of tearing each other down. There is never a shortage of critics. So be an encourager, a supporter. Emphasize the positive. "Therefore encourage one another, and build up one another... " (I Thess.5:1 1).

-via Whites Creek, TN