I'm Big on the Inside

One hot, summer evening a man was walking on the boardwalk at Ocean City, NJ. Confronting him head on was a little girl. At most she was six years old. She was carrying a tube of paper topped off with a fluffy pile of cotton candy, the pink stuff that is mostly air, but takes up a lot of room. In this case, the cotton candy was a couple of feet high * and about a foot wide. He laughed good-naturedly when he saw the bright-eyed little girl and her oversized treat. "How can a little girl like« you eat all that candy?" he asked. Without a moment's hesitation she answered, "Well, you see mister, I'm really much bigger on the inside than I am on the outside." That's what matters to God—the hidden man of the heart. (I Peter 3:4; Matt. 5:3-12). —————selected ".. The Lord sees not as man sees; for man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart" —I Sam. 16:7

In order to be big on the inside we must grow spiritually. One way to do that is to plan in this new year to 'study more in 2004', and to resolve not to let other things hinder us from worshipping and serving God to the best of our ability. In this New Year on the horizon, let's pray more and resolve to be " bigger on the inside."