September 3,2000

Robert's Reflections

Tribute to a Christian Man -

Who can know what a day may bring forth? Only God has that ability. All we can do is trust Him and take life and death as it comes. That was the attitude of our brother, J.T. Massey. Born sixty  four years ago in Marion County, Alabama, J.T. endured poverty and polio as a young person. Though it impaired his body, his mind and spirit were unstoppable.

J.T. had a great attitude about facing life and death. Cancer.... It is a word that most of us dread, but when it came to brother Massey, he just took it in stride. Referring to his cancer, he said, "If God means to take me with this, then I'll face it when the time comes."  When J.T. learned that he was terminal he said, "I'm not dead yet." "I'm going to leave this in God's hands."

J.T. loved company (lived at Limestone Health Care Facility for past three years). He was a master of jig- saw puzzles, several of them being displayed through- out the facility. Singing.... But above all else, J.T. loved to sing. He had a voice that reminded me of Burl Ives. (It always tickled him whenever I told him that).

Thankful.... We hear a lot about how blessed we are, and about how thankful we should be for all that God has given. Often people focus upon what they don't have. Such could have been the case with J.T. But his focus was on what he had been blessed with. J.T. had a loving family at Tanner, and he knew it. He constantly expressed his gratitude for our love and support.

Sometimes people judge by outward appearances, and fail to see what is on the inside. J.T. was a very intelligent, tender-hearted, honest, loving person.

He seemed to understand better than most what it was to try to be a Christian at all times and in all circumstances.

After battling with cancer for over four years, J.T. Massey went home to be with his Father on Thursday, August 31. We will all surely miss him.

Bits & Pieces

There are three modes of bearing the ills of life: by indifference, by philosophy, and by religion.

C.C. Colton

There is an old saying that goes, "Believing doesn't make it so." However just the opposite can also be true. If you believe something strongly enough, you are more likely to put forth the effort that's necessary to make it happen.

--Copied ftom "Progressive Farmer"

The naive believes everything, But the prudent man considers his steps. Proverbs 14:15 (NASV)
The difference between perseverance and obstinacy is that one comes from a strong will, and the other from a strong won't.

-Henry Ward Beecher

When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.

-Helen Keller

Forgiveness is the fragrance the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.

Make me a servant,
Lord make me like you.
For you are a servant,
make me one too.
Mold me and shape me,
Do what you must do,
To make me a servant:
Make me like You.