[Image] Robert's Reflections
September 16, 2001

God Bless America

What does one say when a child asks, "Will it come here, Mommy?" This question has been echoing through many homes in the once again United States of America. But it isn't just being asked by children. Most of us thought it was possible for a terrorist attack to happen in our country. But none of us could have expected such a degree of destruction. There existed a false sense of safety before Tuesday morning. Such naive innocence ended as four airliners crashed at the hands of some 18 brutal religious fanatics. "Will it come here?" It is certainly possible, but it will be mush harder for them now. In the words of a famous Japanese admiral, "We have awakened a sleeping giant." These foolish men have done just that, and a whirlwind is coming that possibly will sweep away the innocent with the guilty.

We must be wise. We must be careful to maintain attitudes befitting God's people. We must use restraint in how we react to those who would oppose us or our nation. But we must also support our government in any venture that is not contrary to God's will, and that is intended to insure both our safety and that of freedom loving people the world over.

God will deal with these and all wicked people in His own time and in His own way. In the meantime, let us pray for our countrymen, the victims and their families, and our leaders. If we will determine to do His will,

God will bless America. May it ever be so.