[Image]  September 30, 2001


Robert's Reflections
( Blessings )

It has been said that all good things must come to an end. How I wish that were not so! This will be my final article as your minister. Nothing would please me more than to be able continue my work here, and do the mission work that my heart much longs to do. But such cannot be the case. Though my trip scheduled for the 22nd, has been postponed, there is much to do, in preparing for and beginning my full-time work with India Missions.

I think about PauL as he was saying goodbye to the Ephesian elders in Acts 20. What does one say to someone at a time as this? This is no time for frivolity or foolishness. Only that which most important should be said.

I love you. Never have I been blessed to work with a finer group of people in my life. You welcomed me and my family and made us a part of your lives. For that I shall ever be grateful. This congregation is indeed fortunate to have such a spiritually- minded eldership. These men are truly shepherds, and they honestly and sincerely care for you. You are now and shall always be in my prayers. Please continue to pray for me in this new phase of my ministry, and for my family.

Now, please indulge me, as I offer a few parting words encouragement. Love one another. Don't let anyone of the number slip away and disappear. Look for opportunities to serve and help each other. Respect every person here. Reach out to those around you. Pray often. Study God's Word every day. Teach. Teach the children, the teens, the adults, the lost. Live before the people of this community with such honesty and uprightness that they cannot help but see that you have been with Jesus. Remember who you are and whose you are. Endure hardships with patience. Rejoice in your salvation. Be tolerant of one another. Never give up. Think about heaven.

May the LORD bless thee and keep thee. The LORD make His face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee. The LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.

Robert Hall