
"How Christian Women Can Best Serve The Lord "


The story of the virtuous woman is an example as how important a woman can be within the Lord's Church. Please read and study these verses at the beginning of this study. (Proverbs chapter 31 verse 10) through (Proverbs chapter 31 verse 31)

God created Adam first and from his side he took a rib to make and mold woman. Notice that he took from his side, not from his feet nor from his head. He created the women to be a helpmate to her husband. (1Corinthians 11:8-12)

God specifies the responsibilities of a Christian woman. These Bibical teachings are the purpose of this study.

Subject: The Lord's Supper

Question ...Can the women have a part in passing out and serving the Lord's Supper?

Answer ...Since women aren't to show authority over a man, the actual passing out of the "fruit of the vine" and "unleven" bread must to be done by the man. There is also praying done at this time as the Lord did when he established this during his Last Supper.

(1 Timothy 2:11) (1 Timothy 2:12)

Question ...What about the preparation of the Lord's Supper?

Answer ...The women can be responsible for preparing the Lord's Supper. We can everything ready when the proper time comes for this part of the worship services. Of course the cleaning up can be our responsibility also.

Subject: Praying

Question ...Can Christian women lead others in prayer?

Answer ...First, knowing that Christian women can't lead other Christian men in the worship services, that leaves just a couple of things to cover. Christian women can lead prayer to non-Christians when they are in a study setting such as their homes etc. They can also lead young boys in prayer as they are still teachers. Christian women can of course lead other non-Christian and Christian women in prayer.

Subject: Teaching

Question ...How old should children be before it would be better if a man would teach them during classes when we gather together?

Answer ...Christ taught that ALL should teach, so first we know that we are commanded to teach. Women are also responsibility to teach children.. There is no specific commandment that states how old a child becomes when a man is to take over the job of teaching.

I would like to tell you how we, as a congregation at Tanner, handle this matter. We have young people as young as 8-9 yr. old that have been baptized. This seems to be where the question starts. As: "Should a woman teach a Christian male?". Actually the 8-9 yr. old boy is still a young boy even though he is now a child of Gods. Women are to teach children. Our eldership uses around 13yrs of age or "teenage classes" to appoint men as their teachers.

The main idea is that women should not show authority over a man during worship services.

Subject: Modesty

Question ...How short or how low shall a Christian wear her clothes?

Answer ...The scriptures doesn't tell us exactly how long women's dresses should be, how low cut the blouses can't be or any specific instruction. It does, however, stress modesty. Also the culture where within you live will help dictate just what modesty and immodesty are.

The scriptures doesn't tell us exactly how long women's dresses should be, how low cut the blouses can't be or any specific instruction. It does, however, stress modesty. Also the culture where within you live will help dictate just what modesty and immodesty are.

Subject: The Divine Order of service.

Question ...What is the Divine order of our service to God.?

Answer ...I will cover this subject a little before we continue to the next subject "Subjection". The customs of man seems to be influential at some degree here.

Christians acknowledge Christ as their head, and declare they are under binding obligation to be obedient to him. He is also the head of all people, even though many of them do not acknowledge or respect the relationship.

Read: Colossians 1: 15 --18

This places the order as: God., Christ, man, Woman.

Subject: Subjection

Question ...Are Christian women required to be in subjection to her husband?

Answer ...Please note that this subject will need to be studied in depth at a future time. After this covered here and if you would like to study this further let me know and I'll work something out. It is easy to make statements as below but I do wish you would cover this subject closer. There are many scriptures to clear up any questions you may have. Just remember, God is over man, man is over woman, and woman must be in subjection to her husband as long as he is a Godly man and doesn't try to force her to do something sinful. (The further study will handle this better.) Just remember that God took a rib from Adam's side and made Woman and he wanted her to be beside him as a helpmate. Man has no right to treat a woman in an ungodly manner.

Subject: Singing and Preaching in Worship Services

Question ...Is it permitted for a woman to lead the singing, serving communion, preaching or anything pertaining to the worship service?

Answer ...Since we as women are subject unto our husband and also the Christian men in the Lord, it is only correct to state that we must not take a leading part in the Praying, Singing, Serving on the Lord's Table, performing baptisms etc. However we have an example of a lady in the scriptures studying with a man in the New Testament. We are told about Aquilla and Pricilla studying with Cornelous

I Corinthians 14:34, 35

"Let the women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak, but let them be in subjection, as also saith the law. And if they would learn anything, let them ask their husbands at home; for it is shameful for a woman to speak in the church."

Even though it may seem that there is quiet a few "Do nots" please remember all the "Dos". We as women can be far above rubies.

This material may be copied and used for classroom material if desired. It was originial designed to teach Young Christian Women in India by their request. We have now become close Sisters in Christ.