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Lesson 13

l. I Tim. 2:8-14 - Prayer
      A. Women certainly talk to God
B. Men lead public prayer
1. 1 Tim. 2:8 - Paul uses the specific
word for man (Gr. aner), meaning male
gender, not the generic word for mankind
(Gr. anthropos).

ll Clothing

A. I Pet. 3:4 - adornment should be with a meek and quiet spirit.

B. The emphasis is not on the physical adornments-but a cloak of good works, that which depicts godliness.

Ill. Teach - I Tim. 2:11-12

A. Women may teach-in fact, MUST teach (by lives, publicly or privately)-but they may not take man's authority.

B. In subjection to man-learn in quietness.

C. If a man seeks information of a woman and she gives it-she taught but she did not violate God's world. She did not take man's authority.

D. By chaste manner of life-may win an unbelieving husband to Christ - 1 Pet. 3:1-7.

E. Reason for woman's limitations (I Tim. 2:13-14)
      1 Man's priority in creation
2. The place of Eve in the transgression

F. Older women teach younger women (Titus 2:3-5) I V. Relationship to husband (Eph. 5:22-33). A. Husband is head of wife

B. Husband loves wife as self

C. The two are one-in bond of life and ultimate purpose.

V. Widow

A. Jee.22:3;Zech.7:10;to be treated with kindness-not oppressed.

B. Has a part in the activities of church.

C. Under oversight of elders

       1. Women glorify God in family life
           (Prov. 31:10-31).

A. Husband trust her in every way

B. Works willingly with hands-cares for house, husband and children.

C. Compassionate

D. Prepared (v. 21) for physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of her family.

E. Well dressed (v. 22). Those who love her need to see her well dressed.

F. Assists her husband (v. 23) by being a good wife and a good friend.

G. Has an excellent charter (v. 25).

H. Watches her tongue (v. 26). Kindness is her language.

I. Not idle (v. 27).

J. Cleon Lyles, "Woman is the most beautiful of all of God's creations."