[Image]  July 15, 2001


Will They Be Christians When They They Leave Home?

In the next few years, will there be someone to step up and take the leadership of the Lord's church at Tanner? Only by developing spirituality in our children can we assure continued stability and growth for this congregation. This job can only be done by parents. 'But how?" is the question always asked. God has always demanded first place in the lives of his people (Exodus 20:3-6; Matthew 6-33). Family worship must be an important part of our daily life. We should pray with our children every day, and let them see us studying God's word every day. Our children need to go with us to do good for others. They need to see how important it is to us to do God's will. Our children must learn from us what it is to be a genuine Christen. They will likely be only as committed to God and the Christian life as we are.

Scott Marmaday, Kiowa Indian and professor of literature at USC, tells about his dad taking him to the house of an old squaw when he was just a lad. "All day long", he says, "the old squaw told me the stories of the Kiowa Indians-their history, their songs, and their rituals." He said, 'When I arrived at her house I was a lad. When I left that day, I was Kiowa."

When they leave home, will our children be Christians? They will, only if they learn, see and know that God is real to us and that His way is the only way to life and happiness.
