Let Us Pray

I think that we would all agree that prayers are needed in our world today as much as they’ve ever been. We need to be praying for our families, our communities, our state, our country, and the world in general. We each have our own personal needs that we lift up to God in our personal prayer life. Let me suggest some areas that you can be praying:
PRAY FOR OUR CHURCH FAMILY HERE AT TANNER — I hope you add the needs of our church family to your daily prayers. In addition to simply praying for our church to grow spiritually and numerically as others come to know Jesus, each week there are different names in the bulletin and the announcements of people from this congregation in need of your prayers. Please take the time to lift them up. They will appreciate it as much as I know you would if someone were praying for you in your times of need.
PRAY FOR YOUR FAMILY — Families face more distractions and challenges today than ever before. As the old saying goes, “so goes the family so goes the nation”. Our nation is hurting because our families are being undermined in today’s society and our families are hurting because God is not the center where He belongs. Pray for your children and your grandchildren. Pray for their faith. Pray for the strength to endure difficult times.
PRAY FOR OUR TEACHERS — in our schools and at churches throughout the world. Pray that they will help young people to see God and know His plan for them. Pray for those of us who preach. Pray that we will be faithful to the word of God and busy in the work of the Lord. Pray for the elders as they lead and pray for the deacons as they save.
PRAY FOR OUR NATION — Pray for the leaders in this nation, our military, and our public servants. Surround them with prayer whether you like them or not.
PRAY FOR THE LOST AND THE ERRING —Pray for those who do not know God that they may come to know Him as Lord and Savior and render obedience to His word. Pray for those who are weak in the faith, uncommitted and unfaithful. Pray that their hearts may be broken. Pray that they will repent and recommit themselves to Him.
PRAY FOR YOU —Don’t forget to pray for yourself! It’s not conceited or prideful to do such. Pray for your needs and even your wants. Just make it a point to spand time with God. As any loving Father would, He wants you to come to Him about your life. All of it. When you hurt, share it with Him- He is the great Physician. When you are struggling with questions or difficult situations. share it with Him — He is the wonderful Counselor. If you are angry, sad, lonely, frustrated, joyful, tired, energized or anything in between by all means take it to the Lord in prayer. He will listen!