Homosexuality: Is it Biological?

In the early 90’s a lot of Americans bought into a lie. Simon LeVay conducted post mortem examinations on the brains of 35 men. The results of this small study were that the brain cells in a specific area of the brain were fewer in number for homosexual men. From that news spread about biological “proof” that homosexuals were born that way. LeVay admitted that the autopsies findings were not conclusive. Another study that got attention was done by J. Michael
Bailey and Richard Pillard. This particular study was done on identical twins. The study found that among 56 homosexual men, with an identical twin 52% of their twins were also gay. This study was presented as conclusive evidence that homosexuality is genetic since these twins had identical genetic makeup. I don’t quite understand their conclusion. If identical twins have identical genetic makeup, then why was the percentage of the 2nd twin being homosexual
not 100%? This is supposedly the best study for the proof of homosexuality being biological. Today, people still use this as proof that homosexuality is genetic. Therefore; if Homosexuality
is genetic, how can it be wrong or sinful?

God made us. If He had made some of us to genetically be homosexual then we would have to admit that God made homosexuality. However; when we go to His word we find the opposite. “Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived;……nor homosexuals…….shall inherit the kingdom of God” (1 Cor 6:9-10).

(Rom 1:21-32) may be as clear as you can get it. God does not approve of this behavior. God identifies homosexuality as sin. He always has (Lev 20:13, 18:22; Jdg 19:22-23).

The world’s view is rooted in biology and genetics (and is incorrect even in that) thus claiming the practice of homosexuality is natural, not a sinful choice. God’s view is that all sin comes from the heart (Mk 7:20-23). Homosexuality can be a temptation as is any sin. It is fulfilling a lust (sinful desire) of the heart. We are responsible for our decisions. We can choose sin or we can choose righteousness. Let’s call homosexuality and all sexual perversion what God calls it, not what the world calls it.