GLBTQ, “Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer.” Think of Philippians 3:19, “They glory in their shame.” Individuals caught up in those activities, though active sinners, are persons God loves and for whom Jesus died. Violence, whether physical or verbal, directed against them violates the golden rule and the second greatest commandment, and is therefore sin. In addition, it is counterproductive.
In the beginning of seeking governmental and societal approval of homosexual relations and homosexual marriage, the GLBTQ lobby stressed “committed, monogamous” relations. That, presumably, was an attempt to overcome the image in the public’s mind of gay promiscuity, of men’s rest rooms where homosexual men and sometimes boys gathered to “hook up” for “one night stands.” The inclusion of “B” for “bisexuals” still implies approval of promiscuity. The Bible clearly and explicitly calls all homosexual relations, men with men and women with women, to be sin (Heb 13:4). The GLBTQ lobby has successfully convinced most of the mainline media and, apparently, a plurality of the American public that any opposition to homosexuality is a civil rights issue, just like opposition to black-white integration was years ago.
In public opinion and in the judicial system, the GLBTQ lobby has completely out marketed Bible believers. Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson was first suspended for reading scripture about homosexuality; but, in one early victory for Christianity, he was quickly reinstated because of public pressure. Since then, however, the battle between the clearly stated constitutional right to practice one’s religion by refusing to endorse what is considered to be sin, and the judiciously declared freedom from discrimination even when it is the result of biblical, moral, and religious tenants, is currently being waged.
It is sad, contributing fact that the Bible is on longer considered morally authoritative, even by many religious people. When God instituted marriage, He defined it as one man and one woman, joined for life as one flesh. He declared, “Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous” (Heb 13:4).
— Cecil May Jr