Be the Reason For Thanksgiving

This is the season for giving thanks. Giving thanks for family, possessions, friendship, abilities, and certainly the blessings we find in God. If I asked you here to list all the blessings in your life, you could probably fill up the rest of this page. If I asked you to list all the people in your life who have blessed you throughout the years I would assume you could come up with all sorts of names. You might list teachers, coaches, ministers, friends, and family members. There is no doubt in my mind that many have made their mark in your life. But instead of listing those you are thankful for, consider how many people could list you as a blessing to their lives. When people are making their thanksgiving list would you be on their page? I’m not asking you to consider this so that you can boast about the good that you have done. We all know that our good isn’t that great when compared to the greatness of our God. However, it only takes a little bit to make a huge difference in someone’s life. Simple things like hugs, kind words, smiles, and other small acts of kindness can go a long way in helping someone feel cared for and noticed. So your challenge this week is to live like the person on the list. Make it your goal to encourage someone who is discouraged, help someone who is in need, speak kindly to someone who is going through a rough time, or give to someone who doesn’t have. Be someone else’s reason to give thanks. We have all needed the blessings of others at some point. Be the person this week who is responsible for giving the blessing. Most people in the world will never know about the things you will do, but the people who receive the blessing will never forget. Be the reason for their thanksgiving.