The Family of God

We would like to welcome you to the Tanner Church of Christ. Some have been saved this week and according to the scriptures havebeen added to the church (Acts 2:47). I’m constantly amazed at the misconceptions of what the church is when I talk to various people.What is the church? The church is described in… Continue reading The Family of God

Christian Fellowship

The term “fellowship” has as synonyms words like partnership, sharing, communion and partaker. Fellowship indicates a spirit and bond between two or more people which exists because of what they do together or believe in common. Consider our Christian fellowship: If Christians partake of a meal together, they have fellowship. If they partner together in… Continue reading Christian Fellowship

Amazing Grace

If you had to choose one word to describe our salvation what would it be? Grace… Indeed, Scripture tells us that all our blessings both material and spiritual come from God. Peter is found saying that He is the God of all grace. Here it is church, we cannot name a life blessing that did… Continue reading Amazing Grace

Am I A Source of Light?

In Science we learn about light. We not only learn about the sources of light, but we also learn about properties of light as well. Something that produces light is said to be luminous. Examples of this are the sun, stars, and light bulbs. These however are not the only sources of light there are.… Continue reading Am I A Source of Light?

Identity Crisis: LGBTQ

GLBTQ, “Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer.” Think of Philippians 3:19, “They glory in their shame.” Individuals caught up in those activities, though active sinners, are persons God loves and for whom Jesus died. Violence, whether physical or verbal, directed against them violates the golden rule and the second greatest commandment, and is therefore sin. In… Continue reading Identity Crisis: LGBTQ


Enthusiasm is defined as “An exultation of soul; strong excitement of feeling on behalf of a cause or subject.” It comes from a combination of two terms, “En Theos” or “God within.” If God is in us we will be enthusiastic concerning His work and His church. Someone else has defined enthusiasm as, “crystallized energy… Continue reading Enthusiasm