How’s Your Faith?

In the cold waters that surround Greenland floats hundreds of icebergs of every shape and size. That is not surprising considering its geographical location. But what is interesting is that some of the icebergs float in one direction while the rest float in another.Why so? Because of the size of the iceberg. The smaller ones… Continue reading How’s Your Faith?

Living in Wisdom

Some people see the Bible as a great work of literature; some consider it a historical chronicle of the Jews and early Christians, while still others read it as God’s supernatural revelation to humanity. In truth, the Bible is all these things and so much more. It’s a light that dispels the darkness of Satan’s… Continue reading Living in Wisdom

Am I A Source Of Light?

In Science we learn about light. We not only learn about the sources of light, but we also learn about properties of light as well. Something that produces light is said to be luminous. Examples of this are the sun, stars, and light bulbs. These however are not the only sources of light there are.… Continue reading Am I A Source Of Light?

Positive Communication

Sometimes we just don’t understand each other. We either do not clearly communicate what we are trying to say or the other person has just failed to really listen to hear. Those are what we might call misunderstandings. They are frustrating and can certainly lead to problems. But, sometimes it is more egregious than that.… Continue reading Positive Communication

Am I Dedicated To God?

Jesus says that we are to “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness” (Mt 6:33).Our number one priority in life should be the life to come. We seek heaven by first seeking the righteousness of God. What is God’s righteousness? “For all your commandments are righteousness” (Ps 119:172). To do the righteousness of… Continue reading Am I Dedicated To God?

More Thoughts on Anxiety

More Thoughts on Anxiety“Today has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew 6:34). I ended last week with this quote from Jesus while he taught what we call the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus is encouraging his followers not to worry because God will take care of them. For those who face anxiety — from small… Continue reading More Thoughts on Anxiety

Stressed About Money?

We want to be right with God and living according to His word in every aspect of our life and that includes our finances. Is giving just a financial issue or is it supposed to be more? Why am I stressed about my finances? Because when I don’t live by God’s design it affects me… Continue reading Stressed About Money?


The story is told of Morris, a Russian man, who saved his rubles for twenty years to buy a new car. After choosing the model and options he wants, he’s not the least bit surprised or even concerned to learn that it will take two years for the new car to be delivered. He thanks… Continue reading Time/Schedule