Proverbs 17:6 says, “Children’s children are the crown of old men; and the glory of children are their fathers”. On the first Sunday afterLabor Day those “crowns” get the opportunity to honor their grandparents in a special way. We can honor our grandparents in a number of different ways but if we really want to… Continue reading The Best Gift for a Grandparent
Bulletin Articles
Identity Crisis: LGBTQ
GLBTQ, “Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer.” Think of Philippians 3:19, “They glory in their shame.” Individuals caught up in those activities, though active sinners, are persons God loves and for whom Jesus died. Violence, whether physical or verbal, directed against them violates the golden rule and the second greatest commandment, and is therefore sin. In… Continue reading Identity Crisis: LGBTQ
Enthusiasm is defined as “An exultation of soul; strong excitement of feeling on behalf of a cause or subject.” It comes from a combination of two terms, “En Theos” or “God within.” If God is in us we will be enthusiastic concerning His work and His church. Someone else has defined enthusiasm as, “crystallized energy… Continue reading Enthusiasm
Getting What You Need Out of Life & A Recipe For Happiness
GETTING WHAT YOU NEED OUT OF LIFE There is a passage in Matthew 6 that deals with not worrying about the necessities of life (verses 25-32). God promises to provide them for us if we follow His plan, which is found in verse 33. Note the verse and what is required of us: “But seek… Continue reading Getting What You Need Out of Life & A Recipe For Happiness
Living Carefully
The American frontiersman was often known as a marksman when it came to the use of his gun. One reason was because he was always in practice. He had to be! His life, as well as the family’s meat supplier, often depended on it. So with desperation he stalked his prey with a “now or… Continue reading Living Carefully
Fulfilling the Great Commission One By One
God has never asked man to do what is impossible. When He asked Noah to build an ark, it was possible. When God asked Moses to lead the children of Israel, it was possible. When Jesus asked the apostles to follow Him, it was possible. When the Lord asked us to spread the gospel, it… Continue reading Fulfilling the Great Commission One By One
Secrets of Success
“Be strong and courageous, for you shall cause this people to inherit the land that I swore to their fathers to give them. Only be strong and very courageous, being careful to do according to all the law that Moses my servant commanded you. Do not turn from it to the right hand or to… Continue reading Secrets of Success
Problems? God’s got this!
Have you ever been really down? We all have. Most of us have those times and it is really hard to know how to deal with it. We have lost focus and we just don’t know how to get back in fellowship with God. The picture we see of David in 1 Samuel 21 is… Continue reading Problems? God’s got this!
For some reason the word “privilege” has fallen on hard times. It’s a beautiful word of Latin origin dating back over 700 years and meaning: “something regarded as a special honor.” In literature usage it hit its zenith in 1833 and has experienced gradual decline until about 25 years ago when activist Peggy McIntosh wrote… Continue reading Privilege
Faith of Our Fathers
As we celebrate our country’s birthday tomorrow, here are some quotes from some of the greatest men in the history of The United States of America. Maybe they will help us better understand what this great nation was founded upon, and in so doing help us to remember why so many fought and died for… Continue reading Faith of Our Fathers