Why Do We Celebrate the 4th of July?

July 4th is incredibly significant in American history because it marks the day the Declaration of Independence was adopted (July 4, 1776) and the United States officially became its own nation. Before this date, America was comprised of 13 Colonies established by the Brits: New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Delaware, New York, New Jersey,… Continue reading Why Do We Celebrate the 4th of July?

Father’s Day

Like Mother’s Day last month, Father’s Day is also a day that can evoke so many different emotions. Some folks have their fathers still with them, while many do not. Some people had wonderful, loving, and kind earthly fathers, but some struggled in their relationships. There are some who never knew their fathers and there… Continue reading Father’s Day

Don’t Lose Jesus in Lukewarm Christianity

Jesus says that we are to “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness”  (Mt 6:33). Our relationship, devotion and service to Jesus should be priority in life. We seek heaven by first seeking the righteousness of God. What is God’s righteousness? “For all your commandments are righteousness” (Ps 119:172). To do the righteousness… Continue reading Don’t Lose Jesus in Lukewarm Christianity