Servant or Volunteer…Which are You?

Volunteers usually serve with less commitment than servants. They often need to fit their volunteer hours around other priorities in their lives. Volunteers generally view their work as a “gift” to the organization. Rarely do they not feel that appreciation is due them, after all, they have given all their time instead of being compensated.… Continue reading Servant or Volunteer…Which are You?

Becoming An Encourager

The word “Encourage” from the Greek is translated in various versions as exhort, admonish, teach, beg, beseech, console, comfort. Condensed, they mean to help build up one another. Let’s look at a few of the characteristics of an encourager to give us a better idea of how we all should be: A healthy church is… Continue reading Becoming An Encourager

Trust In The Lord

Do you remember when you were little and you were afraid there were monsters under your bed or in your closet? What did our parents tell us? They assured us that there were no monsters, or they may have left some kind of light on for us. Well, my parents gave me a night light,… Continue reading Trust In The Lord

Where’s the Fire?

In a small eastern Kentucky town, the local police chief was also on the Volunteer Fire Department. His job was to answer the phone in event of a fire, and ring the fire bell to summon volunteer firemen. One morning the phone rang and the chief answered, “Fire department”. Out of the ear piece came… Continue reading Where’s the Fire?

Find Peace In Him

The author of Hebrews must have been tired. After all, it doesn’t take him very long at all to start talking about rest. Beginning in chapter three and into chapter four, he uses the word rest about a dozen times. Are you tired? I am! I’m tired…Of not being with ALL of my Church family… Continue reading Find Peace In Him