Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews, came to Jesus by night possibly because he feared the wrath of the Council. Joseph of Arimathea, another ruler of the Jews, may have secretly followed the Lord for the same reason. They “played it safe”. Lack of conviction and moral courage prevent many people from doing their duty.… Continue reading Playing It Safe
Category: Mark’s Messages
Seeing Clearly With Jesus
“For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known” (1 Cor 13:12). There was an old allergy commercial that described having allergies like living in a fog. It said if you take their medicine,… Continue reading Seeing Clearly With Jesus
Walls That Hurt
Walls are built to hold people in or to keep people out. Some are built to restrain and others built to protect. Some walls are built for hurt and others are built for hope. The Berlin wall was a wall against freedom. There were 27 miles of concrete and barbed wire. Eventually 96 miles of… Continue reading Walls That Hurt
Stop Being So Easily Offended
“The discretion of a man makes him slow to anger, and his glory is to overlook a transgression” (Prov 19:11). Is it just me or are Christians far too easily offended? From time to time probably all of us find ourselves offended by something someone said, did, or perhaps didn’t say or didn’t do. Someone… Continue reading Stop Being So Easily Offended
Problems? God’s got this!
Have you ever been really down? We all have. Most of us have those times and it is really hard to know how to deal with it. The picture we see of David in 1 Samuel 21 is very unusual. The man after God’s own heart began to reject the guidance of God and took… Continue reading Problems? God’s got this!
The Joy of Forgiveness
Some of us have real difficulty dealing with everyday life because we do not know how to accept God’s forgiveness. We need to be reminded that when God forgives, He forgets. It’s over! It’s a done deal! God doesn’t bring up our past, forgiven, sins again… Ever! He doesn’t plug our past sins into His… Continue reading The Joy of Forgiveness
Feeling In His Image (Emotions) – Anger
A story is told about a woman who told a preacher she had a bad temper, but that it was over in a minute. The preacher said, “So is a shotgun blast, but it blows everything to pieces.” Far too many of us are triggered by the least little incident, frequently losing our temper and… Continue reading Feeling In His Image (Emotions) – Anger
Dealing With the Burden of Sin
In an old, one room, country schoolhouse years ago, John Maynard was doing very poor work. About half way through the school year the teacher said something that inspired him. His grades began to improve, and his assignments were neat and attractive. He finished the year with very good marks. On open house day at… Continue reading Dealing With the Burden of Sin
Love is the Greatest
Muhammad Ali was one of the greatest American professional boxers of all time, Nicknamed “The Greatest”. He made a TV appearance not long before his death in 2016 where his spokesperson said, “The former champ was here to promote love and unity”. Ali’s eyes lit up when the kids approached to hug him and shake… Continue reading Love is the Greatest
An Invitation to a Better Life
Consider for a moment the Biblical character, Zacchaeus. When Jesus saw him, he called him down out of the tree and invited himself to the home of this despised man. Imagine for just a moment what must have gone through the mind of Zacchaeus. Not only was he able to see Jesus, he was also… Continue reading An Invitation to a Better Life