Spiritual Bonds

SPIRITUAL BONDS: I love Sundays at Tanner! I am thankful for the technology that allows us to join in Spirit on line to worship, but it’s not the same as assembling with the saints. We are to stir up one another to love and good works, encourage, teach, and look out for one another’s best… Continue reading Spiritual Bonds

Christian Joy

Christianity is a life of joy. The word joy appears sixty-three times in our New Testament. When we think of New Testament joy, our minds naturally go to Paul’s letter to the church in Philippi. There, joy is referred to eleven times in four chapters. Webster defines joy as an experience of great pleasure, gladness,… Continue reading Christian Joy

Amazing Grace

John Newton first published those beautiful lyrics in 1779 and they resonate with us today as much as they did then because every soul desperately needs God’s grace, but let’s face it as sweet as it is it’s also very misunderstood. Some view God’s grace as “No Rules” while others view it as “Nothing but… Continue reading Amazing Grace

God’s Gift of Jesus

An old coffee commercial shows a man returning to his home early in the morning right before Christmas. His younger sister puts a big bow on him and declares, “YOU ARE MY GIFT!” This is a wonderful reminder of the greatest gift that God has given to us: JESUS CHRIST. What would you think if… Continue reading God’s Gift of Jesus

The Pit

A man fell into a pit and couldn’t get himself out. A realist said, “That’s a pit alright”. A subjective person came along and said, “I feel for you down in that pit”. An objective person saw the man and said, “With so many pits and so many people in the world it’s only logical… Continue reading The Pit

Be Vigilant

He wants you to be weary, friend. Too tired to read the Word. He wants you to be busy, friend. Too busy to pray in the presence of God. He wants you to be distracted, friend. The to-do list is a mile long and it is just the thing to keep your mind off of… Continue reading Be Vigilant