The author of Hebrews must have been tired. After all, it doesn’t take him very long at all to start talking about rest. Beginning in chapter three and into chapter four, he uses the word rest about a dozen times. Are you tired? I am!
I’m tired…Of not being with ALL of my Church family in one assembly. I’m tired of Covid-19, hearing of loved ones who are sick because of it, what it has done to our society, our economy, and the church!
I’m tired of seeing the Body of Christ divide over issues that are not of eternal significance! I’m tired of followers of Jesus, who are more passionate about politics than they are about their walk with God and their spiritual growth! I’m tired of Christians who walk away from their faith because they didn’t get their way at Church or because they don’t feel like they are having their personal needs met! I’m tired & I’m sure you are as well…But…
We cannot quit serving our Savior! After all, He can be trusted because He is worthy of receiving our faith, our commitment, our praise, and our love. We cannot quit! After all, He needs us to work for Him, because His people need us, and because the world needs to see us resting in Him. We cannot quit because He alone can give us the rest that we need, in time, and in eternity. We cannot quit because He never quits on us.
“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.”