Spiritual Bonds

SPIRITUAL BONDS: I love Sundays at Tanner! I am thankful for the technology that allows us to join in Spirit on line to worship, but it’s not the same as assembling with the saints. We are to stir up one another to love and good works, encourage, teach, and look out for one another’s best interest. We need to be together! I especially enjoy being here with you to FELLOWSHIP & WORSHIP. Today is going to be special because we’re having a fellowship meal and the young men are conducting our PM worship. However; today is truly going to be a special day because of the love we have for our wonderful God and for each other. I think of each Sunday as a FAMILY REUNION, with laughs, and hugs, and pats on the back, with excited greetings, and joyful remembrances. We are glad you are here. And, if you are a guest, we think you’ll love it here. You all bless me, and I pray that I’m a blessing to you. Let’s be the best we can be for the One who gave us His best! Welcome to FAMILY. Welcome to WORSHIP.